Friday, January 30, 2015

A Gallery to Call My Own

Ascent no.1
oil on canvas

I am happy to officially announce that I am now a member of
Oxbow Gallery in Northampton, Massachusetts.

Oxbow is a terrific gallery, owned and operated by its artist members.

I am both excited and humbled to be included with this group of diverse and very strong artists!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Few Exhibits

charcoal and tracing paper
11x 8.5

This is a piece that at least a couple of us worked on.

On the left side the tone is built up with layers of tracing paper.

My solo show at Eagle Hill is about to come to a close.  January 31st is the final day in case you want to check that out.

Next up, I have a piece in a show dubbed "The Book Show" at The Taber Gallery, at Holyoke Community College.  This is a show comprised of works from Dean Nimmer's newest book, Creating Abstract Art.  Yep. That's me (my painting) on page 62.

Opening reception will be on Feb 19th 5:30 p.m. More info here.

And, as I mentioned in my last post, Pieces from the workshop I led on Experimental Mark-making will be on exhibit at the GALA Gallery, 205, School St., Gardner, MA.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


ink and charcoal on paper

Here's a piece from the workshop I lead today on "Experimental Mark-making"

Some of the work, including many collaborative pieces, are on exhibit at the GALA gallery at
205 School Street, Gardner, MA.
Visit GALA's website for hours and more information

Also on exhibit is a body of work by Fitchburg artist  C.M. Judge.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Experimental Mark-making Workshop

The Tangled Undergrowth of Memory (detail)
graphite, charcoal and oil stick on wax prepared paper

Sunday, January 18th I will be facilitating a workshop, a  playshop, at the GALA Art Center in Gardner, Massachusetts.

Emphasis will be on experimentation and collaboration.  And fun.  Remember fun?

We will meet in GALA's space at 205 School Street from 1p.m till 4 p.m.

Free for members, $5.00 for nonmembers.  All proceeds to benefit the GALA Art Center.
Pre-registration required as space is limited.  Visit GALA's event page for registration.

Monday, January 5, 2015

work on wax coated paper

Season of Short Days
wax, graphite, and oil stick on paper

I found this painting inside another, larger piece that I wasn't crazy about.

Oddly, this wasn't the section that I liked in the first attempt.
Maybe it was my lack of attachment to it that allowed me to get free and let it become something new.

It bears a resemblance to my "back yard", a wild meadow ringed by stone walls and woods.

Incidentally, I did not post dimensions because I haven't decided on a final crop yet.  There is a lot more sky, which was fun to paint, but I think the piece is stronger with like this.