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oil and graphite on panel
This is one of the pieces I made at R&F Paints at a recent workshop.
It is a metamorphosis of a painting I started last summer in a workshop with Tim Hawksworth. I say metamorphosis because like an insect, it bares little resemblance to its previous (larval?) state, but I know what's in there and that it lead me to this place.
When listing materials, I do not differentiate between tube oils and oil sticks.
I frequently used them together.
I exclusively use R&F Pigment sticks (their name for their oil sticks).
Now that I have witnessed how they are made by hand by artists who are passionate about them, I will never again begrudge the price sticker.
Seriously, there is one guy standing over one machine hand grinding each batch.
While we were there in March the paint mixers were developing new colors and our class got to test them out! Yippee!
R&F offers many workshops and all the paint you want to use is included in the tuition. Can I say "yippee" again ?
It was a great experience to work in this environment of abundance and generosity.
R&F makes artists the center of their mission. The studio space is comfortable, well-lit, with good ventilation. They have a gallery on premise, and I think everyone who works there is an artist as well.
By now it is obvious that I am a fan! I recommend trying the sticks, visiting the factory in Kingston, or taking a workshop.