Saturday, February 2, 2013

Farmland Vignettes
oil on panel

This landscape was originally painted last spring on a trip to Maine.

This winter, I became disenchanted with it, and was going to sand it and paint over the whole thing, but then I hesitated.

There are a few passages I do enjoy, so I just painted out what didn't thrill me.

Not sure about the values, though.  I think maybe the "redacted" areas should be darker.

1 comment:

  1. I've worked over two canvases recently. I thought maybe they were finished only to reconsider. The second efforts I enjoy much more and have wondered if maybe I should always work that way....paint something and then pain over it.
    As for the dark vs. light I think maybe I'd do dark..but perhaps you don't want to distinguish edges or push anything forward? That's the effect I'd see first.
    Would you consider a studio visit sometime?
