Thursday, December 3, 2015

December Shows

December is always a great time to purchase original art.
Galleries are brimming with smaller pieces at tempting prices.

At Oxbow Gallery, (Northampton, Massachusetts) we are showing a roomful of 5x7’s all priced at $40.00 a piece and all proceeds go to support our lecture series.

 This is a wonderful way to to ensure that we are able continue to offer free lectures to the community.

The exhibit is up now through January 3rd, 2016
Opening reception will be Friday, December 11th 5-8 pm

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Paper Work

oil and graphite on paper

I am working these days with a specific solo show in mind.

The work will all be oil on paper.  There will be a bit of a range of scale, this being a example of a small one (note push pins for an idea of the size).

There is something about working on paper that feels so natural, so familiar, and very freeing.  You know, like what’s the big deal if you make something “bad”?  Don’t get your panties in a bunch, it’s just a piece of paper!

Many of the recent pieces have bits of older paintings in them.