On the first day of the Holiday Originals show at Concord Art Association, my painting, "Red Bars" sold. Tomorrow (Sunday, December 5th), is the opening reception, and I will be bringing in this painting, which I am calling "Trio". It measures 8x6 and is oil pastel on panel.
Having your art, one's art, my art, sell is a funny thing. First of all, it is great. It is so very encouraging that some total stranger saw something I made and plunked down a wad o' cash so they could own it and look at it more. Come on, that's cool.
The second thing that happens is a little tug at the heart: oh, I'm going to miss my little red friend!
Then, the third thing that happens is insidious. Thoughts come barreling down, "Oh, They (whoever "they" are) liked that one. I will make More, just like It! And They will like it even more!"
Agh. The challenge is to remain true to one's own artistic exploration. We all are vulnerable to bending towards the warm light of praise, but an artist making art mustn't be a dog learning tricks: do the thing, get a treat, do the same thing, get the same treat, every time, time after time. We have to push on, follow the thread of our own inquiry, wherever it leads us, even if into unpopular terrain. What I mean to say, is that sincerity of heart and vision may be the most important lesson any artist, great or small, must grapple with.
This was my fifth painting to sell this year.
Now, get out there, whatever hemisphere, stratosphere, time zone, twilight zone, you find yourself in and buy some original art!
P.s.: I also have two small oil paintings available in the Miniature show running until December 30th at the Post Road Art Center. http://postroadartcenter.com/ The photo doesn't really show off the cool surface on these two. You've got to see them in the flesh!